But several challenges threaten EU clean tech:
> High energy prices impact both basic goods industries & downstream manufacturers.
> China's overcapacity & booming clean tech exports + squeezed imports.
> The Trump administration’s tariffs, rollback of the IRA and halt on wind park construction
> High energy prices impact both basic goods industries & downstream manufacturers.
> China's overcapacity & booming clean tech exports + squeezed imports.
> The Trump administration’s tariffs, rollback of the IRA and halt on wind park construction
> EU funding programmes are largely horizontal or generic in nature...
> ... whereas we need policies that steer demand into specific sectors where the EU can gain or retain a competitive position.
> Magnitude of EU funds is very far from the estimated investments required to meet net-zero emissions targets.
> selective
> firm-neutral
This means focussing on sectors whose competitiveness can be realistically defended or restored, based on strategic value, cost and production structure, patenting...