This Title IX ruling really shows you how fake the rhetoric of *parents rights* is. The judge is saying, not just that these students don't have rights, but their parents don't either. The religious freedom of teachers (and even other parents) is more important,this%20manner%2C%E2%80%9D%20Reeves%20wrote.
I had no idea what trans was. I just knew I wasn’t a boy.
It wasn’t made up.
Eventually, when I joined the rest of the world, I realize there were a whole lot of people who felt like I did.
I want to protect those people like myself.
My healthcare doesn't cover it, so I pay exorbitant costs out of pocket. I'm told by my family that its going to cause me to have a heart attack and die.
My doctors have discouraged me at every step of the way, suggesting I just be a feminine man.
If anyone is pressuring others to do it, or ignoring safeguards I certainly haven't seen it.
Society does not want to let people be trans. We are trans in spite of that resistance.