Panned my 4th? 5th? bottle of KisoCare’s fullerene serum. I never loved Vit C & switched to a fullerene serum a few years ago. Early research shows “over 250x” more antioxidant power than Vit C. Does it work? I dunno how a layman could judge a prevention product like this, but I enjoy using it.
That said if you’re going to Japan and are looking for skincare recs, let me know! Just need basic info like your skin type, climate, concerns/goals, etc.
Wrinkles were getting like more noticeable than before my skincare routine began, and thats due to the Retinol and active cleanser use with ZERO hydration...I thought I was all oily skin and didnt need a moisturizer. (Begginer failures, but fixing right now)
and manufacturer’s info (Mitsubishi: and it was good enough for me, a skincare enthusiast, to want to try. If your Vit C works for you, you’ll probably want to stay with it IMO.
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