New follower incentive for all 33 users and more that followed me recently. I will tag you and give you a digimon threw line! (Rookie to Mega! And what the heck ill throw in my own custom crest!)
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Crest of Survival
salamon mikemon bastemon ragulemon
Crest of celebration
Salamon Mikemon Bastemon Mervamon
Crest of Fullness
Goblimon fugamon Reblimon titamon
Crest of viciousness
Salamon Meicoomon Meicrackmon vicious mode Ragulemon
Crest of Chivelry
Kotemon Gladimon Knightmon Lordknightmon
Crest of Laughter
Cutemon Buchimon lilymon Bancholilymon
Crest of Bamboo
Bearmon Grizzmon padnamon panbachimon
Crest of sensuality
Demidevimon Witchmon Lady Devimon Lilithmon
Psychemon Gururumon Astamon Belphmon rage mode
Crest of pity
Lopmon wendimon Antylamon evil cherubimon vice
Crest of Humor
Cbuumon Nanimon Vademon MetalEtemon
Crest of Stability
Blucomon hyogomon frozomon frosvelgrmon
Crest of Comfort
Phascomon Porcupamon Astamon Nad belphmon
Crest of wisdom
Monmon Apemon Gokuwamon King etemon
Crest of chaos
Biyomon saberdramon crowmon valdurmon
Crest of Malice
Luxmon to xilqmon tocrowmon to lilithmon
Crest of Vulgarity
Impmon witchmon Lady devimon Belstarmon
Crest of Venom
Tsukaimon Pipismon Skull satamon Deathmon
Crest of possesion
Ghostmon Bakemon MetalPhantomon Demon
Crest of Violence
Dorumon Dinohumon Grademon Dorugoramon
Crest of Patience
Penguinmon Frigimon Polarbearmon Cindrillmon
The crest of Noobility
PawnChessmon White KnightChessmon White
BishopChessmon KingChessmon
Cutemon Perrimon Antylamon Cherubimon