I've been busily writing my Druid clergy training course, hoping to have a "version 1.0" ready by the equinox. My creativity was ramping every day that the moon was waxing. I'll have to give everything a look-over while the moon wanes and catch up on some reading /|\
I meditated but it was very frustrating! Before I began I went to the garden, calm in mind to pick some flowers for my altar. I saw my neighbour (a trickster of the highest order!). My mood changed and my meditation was an exercise in getting his face out of my brain! How one tiny encounter…..
I have significant work to do on my perception of him! It just fascinates me that had I not gone into the garden ….. and even knowing that I can’t engineer my life to only meet the loveliest people, I still blame him! As I said.. work to do!
Our seed group had our Imbolc gathering, though it was virtual since we were expecting an impactful winter storm. It was beautiful working with Brigid's love and light.
How did you find the online ritual experience? I have been debating on starting an online contemplative meditation group. I would of course love to have an in person Contemplative Druidry center but it’s not feasible at the moment.