So you're one of two people: 1. You've never actually taken the time to read the details of the torture and pain and agony this man caused on thousands of innocent animals, all to feed his bank account and his sociopathic fucked up ego. Or 2. You do know the details and you ignore them.
3. The person who understands that we are NOT perfect.
Have a wonderful evening. One day, I hope somebody shows you the grace that you are not willing to give, but only AFTER your little goofy ass is raked over hot coals. #GTFOH
I have grace. Not for that extended, calculated disgusting behavior. Anyone who commits such vile acts should never be forgiven so they can carry on with their celeb status. Enough with the martyr role play. You're gross.
Have a wonderful evening. One day, I hope somebody shows you the grace that you are not willing to give, but only AFTER your little goofy ass is raked over hot coals. #GTFOH
Did you fill a void? I hope so. Now run along.