There’s a lot of answers here and surprisingly few of them is that “the Government of Ontario owns a very large amount of power generation and transmission assets and can simply tell its own businesses to do things”
Reposted from
Urban Futurist Democrat
I have no value to add on the situation, but why does a province, even the biggest one, have power to stop exports? That was one of the first things US states were banned from doing.
It’s a “too many cooks in the kitchen” situation — It’s too easy to step on other government’s toes.
Let the federal government take the lead here.
actually I'm not at all sure what explains the nickel part, some weird interpretation of provincial jurisdiction over natural resources to include "where you sell them once you've mined them", or maybe some plan the feds are onside for?
but lol as if anyone would challenge it in court with the national mood being what it is rn