Could have been a lot worse. Bad night SDP FDP and BSW for sure. Late high turnout seems to have helped die Linke! Bad night for Vlad and Elon. All that propaganda for AfD and 80pc plus said nein Danke. If the smaller parties fail to get 5pc overall CSU-SDP coalition can work
Sooner his pops his clogs and goes home the better.
If they both get in, it makes a 2-party coalition (apart from an already excluded CDU/AfD Cooperation) impossible. Another somewhat likely unstable 3-way would be next
out of 84% who voted (yay!) every 5th voted for AfD. this is shocking, this is truly shaking my Urvertrauen in Germany.
this is as bad as it gets.
Long live German reluctance to get rid off their landline 🤣
this is as bad as it gets in the world that should have learned from the horrors that have been.
What I will say, is I think they have reached
*and it's sPD with a small s because social is not their priority anymore IMO.
Boosted turned and refocussed division lines
Please highlight or share to anyone you think may be interested in political history or who may just want to support.
But when you say 5% overall, does that mean all the small parties with 5% combined, or individually? And why would them getting more than 5% mean the two parties can't do a coalition?
A confusing question but I've never learnt too much about German politics.
In a way the Bundestag looks close to the French Assemblee...