Not to start a discourse,but jfc the CWOB people on Reddit are insufferable. Listen, if you’re going to flagrantly violate the canons, you can’t get mad that people point out you’re violating the canons.If you don’t want the canons to say that,change the canons or don’t be in a church that uses them
Like, we profess one baptism for remission of sins -- the baptized are saved.
That doesn't say *anything* about whether the unbaptized are saved. We... kindof don't have a position on that?
I want to say Communion is a sacrament that is expressive of the salvation we receive through our baptism. I'm not sure if that's actually the theology of it though.
OTOH tbh I don't see how one can pastorally refuse communion - no one's deploying baptism cert checkers at the rail - but it's the principle.
MacSwain, Robert, “Touching the Third (altar) Rail: Lessons Learned about Theological Discourse on Baptism and Eucharist in The Episcopal Church, Anglican Theological Review 105(2), 2023