Have any of your stories been inspired by dreams or unexpected visions?
Have you had dreams about your WIPs or had a dream that helped solve a problem in a story?
Share as much as you wish!
Have any of your stories been inspired by dreams or unexpected visions?
Have you had dreams about your WIPs or had a dream that helped solve a problem in a story?
Share as much as you wish!
That's not my style of writing, so I'm struggling to write it.
The metaphors and allegories are... extremely on-the-nose... while I usually prefer more subtlty.
One is the haunting image of sentient pottery that sparked a post-apocalyptic short story I'm working on.
I have written about and its very vivid. Nightmare cars would eat me.
made a great short horror story. :D. "
While I had one I wrote about a girl in a blue hospital gown that nibbled my toes once in my sleep. woke up it was cat munching on me.
Now I work my way around them to help for new WIP ideas.
Mind is great. :D.
Same are wack.