Still remember how hard Nintendo fans turned on Emio when it was revealed that it's not a survival horror game but a VN. Which are still seen as "lesser" for some reason.
Tried a few, but my inability to read till the end was predominantly due to not being able to maintain my attention span at my desk, as opposed to reading it off a portable handheld I could easily put down or pick up whenever, without mentally dedicating time slots to it. Thank you, Steam Deck.
I didn't have too much of an issue with puzzle VNs like Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, Zero Escape or AI The Somnium Files since the puzzles and little gameplay bits helped break up the pacing for me. I wanna finish my current playlist so I can start on the Utawarerumono trilogy on Vita.
I may check out that VN SquareEnix shadow dropped last year for only $20 everyone loved but SquareEnix themselves hated. When a AAA wants to sabotage their own game you know it's good 😆
many are of the opinion that visual novels are some sort of lesser type of gaming rather than simply a different genre