From the US back to Blighty? I don’t blame you Liz, but the lurch to the right seems worldwide at the moment, but couple that with a egotistical idiot such as the orange w**k stain, & well, welcome back matey!
We live in a small cabin in the woods bordering the US forest and a long way from neighbors. We’re not antisocial but we are old and in hiding for the next four years. I’m politically active but cautious in a red rural county in a red state. My neighbors are nice unless you disagree with them.
Sorry you feel that way.
I certainly can’t blame you.
I’ll be 69 this year and I’m getting pretty tired of it all.
I know I’ll persevere but my hope is dwindling.
~sigh~ I know it is. It is like being on an out-of-control train. I very much doubt that I will have a job after my contract expires at the end of the fiscal year due to the Douche team and the slashing of funding. I wish I had the money. I would go someplace else too.
I don’t know what made you leave the UK but what’s happening now in the US was foreseeable. Many books and articles have been written about the rise of the right-wing movement. However, for me, guns and Americans’ absolute worship of money have been complete dealbreakers.
I came to study on a very good scholarship and then my brother and his wife moved here from Sweden so it seemed to make sense to stay, but he has just died so nothing makes sense now.
I certainly can’t blame you.
I’ll be 69 this year and I’m getting pretty tired of it all.
I know I’ll persevere but my hope is dwindling.