Why do people get outraged about some things and not others ? Selfish ass society isn’t it , if it doesn’t affect you it’s not a problem! It’s just some things that happen that should outrage us all !! racism again will be seen at a level that we had never seen and now he’s back to finish the deal .
I mean... I wouldn't want to work for a nazi regime, so that sounds like a win win. Unemploment checks and time off for all the melanin enfused people who also won't have to work for the nazi and the antichrist. Yay.
Yes, but I'm not sure how many of these folks are covered. That is partly why they're being put on paid leave and not just terminated immediately. The executive order says to terminate them to the extent allowed by law.
I'm Zach Kahn, a 17-year-old high schooler. I wrote an article on Trump's executive order revoking Biden's actions. It's unbiased and straightforward, and I'd love your feedback.
Horrible. Obviously, this was calculated to decrease Black & Latino opportunities, decrease the income of BIPOC communities and decrease available intergenerational wealth. It was meant to prop up White Supremacy. Every setback is serious, and must be resisted by all decent people.
Here's the thing, I think that people automatically assume that "diversity, equity and inclusion" means ONLY BLACK PEOPLE. This is a FALSE CONTEXT & ASSUMPTION. It means ALL UNDER SERVED COMMUNITIES. However, we won't have to worry about that anymore. I have empathy for the job losses. -ONE.💯
*Here's where he begins to stack the government with people that hold & express his ideals/beliefs. Should there be another election in the next 4 or MORE -- whosoever takes office is going to need to revamp the ENTIRETY of GOVERNMENT, for the purposes of continuity. -ONE.🇺🇸
The key reason it won't work is that Trump & his acolytes truly believe that DEI is what's held them back. We all know people like that, & we all know their failure is due to their own ineptness. Try constructing a building, staffing a hospital, or operating a farm with an all straight white staff.
They don’t believe that. They know that’s not true. They just don’t want DEI cause it doesn’t fit what they have been preaching. It’s about cruelty and racism.
The they I’m talking is about orange man and his friends. Not the federal employees. Unless you are saying that the federal employees believe DEI is wrong?
OUTSTANDING! Wish he would have done that on MLK day Monday. Dr King believed in being judged by the content of your character, not the color of your skin. DEI cares nothing about the content of your character. Hopefully 20 Jan 2025 will be known as the day DEI DIED.
What does this even mean?! There is no such type of tag in employment systems. Is he basically saying every person of color, woman and LGBTQ getting fired from the federal government??!
What do you mean? They're are diversity offices in federal agencies, probably in hr offices to do things like endure marginalized employees are hired and treated fairly. That's who he'd be laying off.
I understand what you're saying re: firing people they perceive as "diversity hires" but we haven't gotten to that level of extremism yet. This executive mandate is more literal.
That’s a lot of wasteful government spending on their unemployment checks. Aren’t republicans supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility? Do they have no economists on their little hellian squad?! 🤦🏽♀️.
One report says “lay off” while others state they’ll be RIF’d which involves reassignment to other positions. Journalism ain’t journaling shit like it used to. Grammar is all fucked up too.
indeed. right now i'm just trying to remain calm cool & collected. i work for the feds but not in those categories-- project2025 said they're going to fuck w/ the fed workforce...
I too am a fed employee and there are talks that we may have 90 days to relocate or need to look for other employment. Nothing official has come out yet, but this is something he spoke about. Too many fed workers working remote and assumes we’re not doing much work.
What do they expect y'all to do? What do they think will happen to unemployment numbers (since we know they don't care about anyone's quality of life)?!
honestly i think they're going to try to make us fed employees as uncomfortable as possible. in P2025 they want to gut the fed workforce and put "loyalists" in our places. that's a pretty difficult thing to do. so they're going to make our jobs harder, hoping we up and quit.
You/we didn’t have to tell anyone anything bc he and his lackeys were loud and clear about their agenda but apparently the majority of voters didn’t care. One would have to be living under a rock with blinders and earplugs on, to not know or expect this.
This has been steadily going on for a little more than a year. Some view us as a budget line item to be struck, but we gotta continue to build & cultivate our own community as we've always don). It sucks that we don't have the larger infrastructure to support but we've done it without them before.
I'm Zach Kahn, a 17-year-old high schooler. I wrote an article on Trump's executive order revoking Biden's actions. It's unbiased and straightforward, and I'd love your feedback.
Zach Kahn
*Here's where he begins to stack the government with people that hold & express his ideals/beliefs. Should there be another election in the next 4 or MORE -- whosoever takes office is going to need to revamp the ENTIRETY of GOVERNMENT, for the purposes of continuity. -ONE.🇺🇸
You know, the cretin that needed his mommy to come and tell congress that he's only "a little bit of a drunken troglodyte."
At Least 1/3 Black Men are four-legged entities, and should be despised as such.
I don't even know what to say about the 35% of eligible voters who didn't even bother to show up.