This needs to happen to every insurance provider, medical or not. There should be checks and balances to these companies that do nothing but siphon money from us.
Unitedhealth is a plan to rip off the people enrolled and the system that pays for their care. No more than that, they promise service and don't deliver, pocket the money and call it a day at work. Leaving those people out to dry and pay more for the care they need
Future Director of CMS, quack Dr. Oz will fix that when he takes over. He will personally vouch for UHC & how they do business. They keep him rolling in cash as he will force more business to fraudulent Medicare Advantage plans
Zero surprises. I love how it is a civil probe. Don’t want any rich exec types going to prison for fraud. On the down side, without the fraud conviction they can’t get a pardon leading to a high level government job.
DoJ arrests and jails 5000 doctors and nurses over billing practices and lets the CEOs skate away scott free. DoJ even endorses one or two United Health CEOs to be the next President.
“In the Medicare Advantage system, insurers get lump-sum payments from the federal government to oversee enrollees’ Medicare benefits. When patients have certain diagnoses, the payments go up, creating an incentive to diagnose more diseases.”
Advantage plans are not intended to help if you get sick. They are basically HMOs. I don’t think there is any “incentive to diagnose more diseases,” there just isn’t any way to use these plans if you need them. UHC has to charge more if you do.
Do not forget to audit them ALL! People, read and question your insurance company’s EOBs, have caught improper billing codes from doctors office, billing for diagnosis instead of wellness is the most common! THIS is where to find the FRAUD!
I recommend people look up the false claims settlements UnitedHealth has with the DOJ/HHS OIG over the years on the DOJ website, especially related to Medicare Advantage. THEN, go to and look up their Medicare Advantage lobbying of Congress over the years.
UnitedHealth under investigation for Medicare billing practices? Well, I guess they really took "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" to mean "diagnose everyone with apple-related injuries for extra cash." 🍏💸 #HealthcareHustle
March for what was promised,
🇺🇲2/28/2025 24hr Don't buy anything ECONOMIC BLACKOUT
🇺🇲3/4/2025 WE MARCH 4TH!
🇺🇲3/7-3/14/2025 BOYCOTT Amazon WEEK
🇺🇲3/14/2025 NATIONAL STRIKE No work 24 Hours
Don’t worry UH, she’ll stop this in…
The Orange Agent is squeezing them for cash.
I'd like to see this go to trial with 12 angry folk (let's exclude law enforcement and corporate kiss-ups from the jury pool, please).
No pesky accountability for United Health
That's how it works, isn't it?
Trump loves these privatized junk plans.