This is so sad. There's certainly are other reasons why this took place especially since the dog was also found. Sending prayers to their family and friends
The AP reported that there was a bottle of open pills scattered on the counter too. So the only other possible explanation imo is that he died of old age and she ended it for herself and the do (so the dog wouldn't starve to death).
That was a very weird article to read, the shining obit style after detailing a mysterious death of 2 humans and their dog in vague terms? Could have stopped at that.
How can a man , a woman and dog be dead but no foul play? This is sad. Was there carbon monoxide poisoning or something? Not making sense. I’m sure more details will follow. RIP.
Some of the most memorable movie scenes, and movies included Gene Hackman! #frenchconnection #runawayjury #enemyofthestate #thefirm #bonnieandclyde #crimsontide #hoosiers the list goes on and on.
If you're busy for any reason (like caring for kids, caring for an elderly family member, or just working a lot) that's the kind of thing that just isn't very high on the to-do list at any given moment and it's very easy for me to understand how it doesn't happen.
I get that life can be overwhelming, especially when you’re juggling responsibilities like caring for kids, looking after elderly family members, or working long hours. But honestly, that’s no excuse when it comes to something as critical as a gas furnace and carbon monoxide risks.
Wow, that's heartbreaking however how can the authorities say there's been no foul play we he passed away,his wife and the dog all in the same day that makes absolutely no sense to me
I hate to say this about a widely beloved actor. But it looks like he murdered his wife and dog on the way out. This is looking like suicide/homicide if you ask me.
We can be pretty sure it was something like carbon monoxide. If you want to delete your post, open the post, go to the three dots next to it, and in that menu, hit “delete post”
I think if you're unlikely to accept carbon monoxide poisoning then you can easily be like "she was his caretaker, died, and then no one was left to feed him or the dog" before you jump to a murder suicide, personally.
The dog is the thing.
Carbon monoxide poisoning??
This sounds like a gas leak.
Those poor people are dead as is the dog and not a word for them just a conspiracy theory.
The most likely scenario is CO poisoning!
It paid very very well but you skip breakfast for a reason.
Don't ask why we had to sand floors.