I never considered that his obituary would say that he’s survived by his son George and his family, his son George and his family, his son George and his family…
He was also accused of sexual assault of 2 minors and a family member. The press never focused on that. Just like with Cosby and other high profile men for years.
Sorry but being accused without being trialled is bullshit. Men have even served time on bullshit claims. I don't claim it's false but you can also not claim it's true. There is no proof either way.
Thanks 💙
Like many people, I was a George Foreman fan too. Had the grill and everything. Then I read about these accusations and it made me sick.
I’m sad for the children, now adults, who suffered the devastating trauma of child sexual abuse.
I truly hate that so many people can’t keep sports and politics separate.
Few things you could have chosen to say in response to an in memoriam would have been less respectful to the deceased and their family.
He's a fully grown-arse man, and he's capable of curating his own replies.
BUT, his followers don't usually care for an uptight Conservative who can't keep any spec in his mouth when talking to a Black woman. Especially if she's keeping it real.
I'm more angry about Cube leading the way for Kanye to out-anti-semitic him, but, yeah.
I'm actually a little amazed at how many Black athletes have propped these Nazis up. At the cost of...everything, really. Why would they all hurt themselves like this?
Wait, you’re telling me that yet another dude who was certainly walking around with traumatic brain injuries from trying to fight people likes that piece of shit? I can’t believe it.
The 9 year old boy in me misses the high clover days of Foreman, Frazier, and Ali. I can’t watch MMA but the boxers of my childhood still live in my mind.
I shook his hand once as a kid in the 80s when he was jogging by my cousin’s house in Humble, TX. He was the
biggest man I had ever seen at that point, but he didn’t seem big when he leaned down to you. (1)
My dad was his veterinarian for years and he lived around the corner from me. He had no pretension. Saw him at restaurants now and then and you’d have never guessed he was the legend he is. Prayers for the Foreman family.
He was so adorable it was crazy. In a different time, I don't think he would have boxed - maybe been everyone's favorite teacher/preacher ♥️ Rest in peace and grill some burgers "in heaven" ♥️
I watched him win the heavyweight belt at 45 years old live, unbelievable skills and ability to take punches. He got the crap beaten out of him in most fights but all it took was one good lick and opponents went down. He probably took too many blows to the head. https://youtu.be/nEd-P0VREME?si=LLfIX6gcDLk6ZkyG
Will put it down to too many blows to the head.
RIP George 😔
Unless you're in the ring with him
I really liked him being on this Earth.
You were a good person.
I had a turkey pot pie 🥧 earlier, It was good 👍.
Like many people, I was a George Foreman fan too. Had the grill and everything. Then I read about these accusations and it made me sick.
I’m sad for the children, now adults, who suffered the devastating trauma of child sexual abuse.
RIP George. What a life. What a legend.
Few things you could have chosen to say in response to an in memoriam would have been less respectful to the deceased and their family.
Including the one by a woman who says she was 8 years old when he started grooming her.
And much more.
This isn't a road you want to go down, my friend. So, back up offa my Richard.
Here and now is not the time or place.
He's a fully grown-arse man, and he's capable of curating his own replies.
BUT, his followers don't usually care for an uptight Conservative who can't keep any spec in his mouth when talking to a Black woman. Especially if she's keeping it real.
Good luck, Chad. 🖖🏾
Go back to Twitter, child.
For some reason, George's endorsement of Dump got lost in the news cycle...I'm still mad at Ice Cube for his Dumpy endorsement in 2020
I'm actually a little amazed at how many Black athletes have propped these Nazis up. At the cost of...everything, really. Why would they all hurt themselves like this?
Lewis Hamilton
Stephen Curry
Emmitt Smith (he seriously endorsed Harris last year)
God Bless !
biggest man I had ever seen at that point, but he didn’t seem big when he leaned down to you. (1)
A gentle giant
On second thoughts, that was George Formby.
What I read: Krasnov voter has died.