I still remember—as vividly as the moment it happened—the ecstatic disbelief in 1st grade recess when from the classroom door I saw every single leaf on the playground tree. Like seeing every shining fish from beneath the water, and not just the school’s shadow from above.
This was 3 months ago. At first I thought I was just constantly tired, until I told to myself "This isn't normal I can't see what my teachers write on the whiteboard without making them write in giant characters with with deep black ink AND squinting my eyes"
I was like 7 when my sight degraded rapidly in like two or three weeks, it was actually scary, I kinda thought I was becoming blind or that I would die. When I had my glasses it felt weird but I was finally relieved ! But then I got bullied because of it...
I got my glasses as a kid after I pretended to be totally blind and I turned out to be mildly nearsighted after all. I really don't know why I wanted glasses so badly, I guess because both of my parents wear them I felt left out
I was in high school, squinting at the board to see what was written on it and the girl next to me asks me about needing glasses. I assured her that no, I can see fine, so she offered to let me use hers. I put them on and suddenly realized that you should, in fact, be able to see past 10 feet
For me it was because I suddenly started to fail the eye exams in middle school, and the second I put my glasses on I was like "wait, the world isn't actually supposed to be mildly blurry???"
My second grade teacher informed my mom that I miiiight need them after I kept getting up to look at the chalkboard. I was like "oh that's what those are for?" I just thought that's how the world looked.
This is exactly what people say when trying on my glasses. They never believe me when I tell them they are STRONG. And I think they may need to get stronger soon.
The alt text details about Mewbert made me laugh, especially the last panel as I didn't noticed XD
Narrator: he could not read the chalkboard.