Don't believe the bullshit the West has spewed about Stalin. The Soviets were pummelled by the West pretty much daily from 1917 to 1991, so western propaganda isn't to be trusted.
If you do buy it, you're a tool of the fascists, who've been in power in the West far longer than you think.
I don't subscribe to any political ideology, but what I do adhere to are facts. History and not his story are all I care about. Russians have a long, long history of murderous purges by their leaders. Stalin is probably the most notorious of the 20th century... depending on who you talk to.
Be careful whose "facts" you're using, in such cases, and who is giving you this information. Most everything we in the west knew about the Soviets was filtered through capitalist media, so anything bad was either played up, or simply fabricated. You hear about Stalin, too, only from his detractors.
If you do buy it, you're a tool of the fascists, who've been in power in the West far longer than you think.