guys my friend fixed my laptop settings and i can stream without lagging or crashing turns out....the gaming laptop i have owned for 4 years....had 2 graphics cards, a good one and a backup one.......and i was using only the shitty backup one....for 4 years.............................
there are people EVERY DAY on reddit realizing they have this exact same issue
you are not alone
but now? you can game
you can truly game
i think about the ps5 copy of ff7 rebirth i bought that is still sealed.....and the ps5 i bought off a friend that is still in the box (specifically to play ff7 rebirth...........)
That card will easily carry you for the next 4 years and more with a similar if not better experience you have had so far :D
Sounds crazy but it isn't the first time I've heard of that happening, cool to hear you are getting the full potential of it now!
I once started thinking my gaming laptop was broken because everything was running slow and I realized it was unplugged.