This affects the local community as well. They're not buying from the farmers. It's just a nasty, nasty domino effect that these assholes have no idea about or simply do not care.
I support & everything in the party program. I believe in global human rights& climate justice. I have no allegiance to any country or empire. I support no war but class war. No support at all for any imperialist policy of or votes for either party. No exceptions
Food aid and farming have a symbiotic relationship. The fascists know this, and are killing off independent ranches and farms. Watch now as outfits like AcreTrader (funded by JD Vance) buys up agricultural land at pennies on the dollar from bankrupted farmers and ranchers.
As always, the poor suffer
The reality is that America invented Fast Food and the modern Grocery Store. Both are directly responsible for the divorcing of citizenship from our food supply. In fact, you can even go so far as to suggest with certainty that modern oligarchy roots itself in all of it.
Why did we build the railroads and the Interstate system? To move consumer goods. Think about people like Milton Hershey, Henry J. Heinz, Ray Croc, Clarence Birdseye, and Ray Croc. All took advantage of technology, media and transportation or pushed it to sell as much of their product as possible.
Ok, yeah, but don’t act like this is new behavior when it’s been going on for over 75 years. This goes back all the way to the end of WWII when you dig into the history.
Further, we can’t talk about it without focusing on the history of grocery stores and fast food chains. Both have played dominant roles in shaping the politics of food history.
1/4 Particularly, in that the “small farm was declared ‘obsolete,’ and three
million of them [were] eliminated during [sic] the
thirty years [between 1946-1976], replaced by ever-larger units of production…”
2/4 “… [from then on], the remaining family farmers [were] being told that
they must subjugate their independent operations to the
handful of processors and distributors that monopolize
food markets...”
Make America clever again 💙🙏🇺🇸 can You come back in public ? Kamala?
Can you be elected to be Leader of the democratic party?
Can You please let us hear your voice again .
No matter how .
Can you make a podcast we can follow ? 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 @kamalaHarris
Thousands of American family farms were forced to close due to Trump's first term trade war with China. This is nothing more than his attempt to put even more small farms out of business.
Every Republican in Congress supports this because they're determined to cut taxes for wealthy people like Musk, Trump, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and themselves.
Republicans don't work for working Americans!
Loving nations are like loving parents who do everything within their power to ensure their children get the best nourishment they can provide.
Hateful nations, like hateful parents, don't care if their children die of malnourishment.
It's like these assholes popped out of a history book. He's fucking it up to weaken us. He's trying to make it hard for anyone to resist. That money you think they're trying to save for the government, is just enough to pay for a civil war. They're making us pay for our own demise! Genius.
I'm so tired of our children suffering, I'm just so tired of the abuse. Those MFKERS have no idea what it is like to be hungry. I'm just beside myself all the time. #GOPARESCUM
Are they just looking in every nook and cranny to find people to hurt? Not only does this hurt children, it hurts that little mom and pop farm that sells to farmers markets.
Why do they hate the poors so?
Absolutely why not take our federal tax $$$ out of communities & give it to big corps? Now farmers aren’t selling goods & making $$$ to keep local businesses & our kids get to eat highly-processed foods & rich corps get richer. Not a financial genius but i know this doesn’t make any sense.
and the struggling farmer. my friends sold apples to a school district in Washington. they have great produce byt their margins are razer thin at the best of times. this will really really hurt.
This is just utter depravity. Evil to the core. They showed no regard for children as target practice. Now let’s take their lunch money and kill the small farmer. We have got to end this nightmare. If we don’t, what have we become…
So much harm has been done simply because no consequences were written into the constitution for violating the oath of office for anyone who is required to swear to it. That same response must be applied to any office-holder who does it. Our OS of self-governance has been pwned and must be replaced.
the regime cannot cut this spending, it was appropriated by congress and has to be spent as congress has mandated, this is another count of seditious conspiracy
So we’re at the stage where it’s no longer about punishing American farmers. We’re also going to starve American schoolkids? Sounds very circa 1930 Stalin five year plan-ish.
This was in project 2025. F all of you who didn’t believe us when we said how really bad it was. F all of the people who voted for this. It’s only the beginning. This will be The Handmaids Tale and the Animal Farm brought to life. People will die because that is the plan. Some will die at birth.
pockets of American farmers
I support & everything in the party program. I believe in global human rights& climate justice. I have no allegiance to any country or empire. I support no war but class war. No support at all for any imperialist policy of or votes for either party. No exceptions
As always, the poor suffer
million of them [were] eliminated during [sic] the
thirty years [between 1946-1976], replaced by ever-larger units of production…”
they must subjugate their independent operations to the
handful of processors and distributors that monopolize
food markets...”
-Hightower, Jim (1976). Eat your heart out: Food profiteering in America. Vintage Books.
I guess farmers don't fit into the "Make America Great Again" narrative.
What will it take FOR YOU to say no to Trump?
What threats by Trump have secured your compliance with his destruction of American Leadership values?
Unless your entire career is a hoax, there is simply NO way America can stand unless you NOW vote HELL NO to Trump.
Can you be elected to be Leader of the democratic party?
Can You please let us hear your voice again .
No matter how .
Can you make a podcast we can follow ? 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 @kamalaHarris
But he can burn 20 billion taxpayer dollars and not a peep from the republican party.
This has to stop.
Republicans don't work for working Americans!
Time to file a tax extension and change your w2 to max dependent exemption!
Hateful nations, like hateful parents, don't care if their children die of malnourishment.
Going after our most vulnerable so the rich can profit is one of the cruelest acts being committed.
People always expect desirable outcomes.
But frequently, there are bad, unintended consequences as well.
The current evil cabal are too fukking stupid to live on taxpayer largess
Taking food from Children/Families is irrepressible. JC
Why do they hate the poors so?
Keep em hungry
Keep em dumb
Keep em poor
Keep em from voting.
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I think MAGA must believe Andrew Jackson's term was when America was Great. 1830.