The burden of proof is on the affirmation because you can't prove a negation. Tell you what, if you can find just one video of someone saying they believe abortion should be prohibited in the case of rape, I'll admit defeat. Check Rumble, BitChute every backward site online. I don't think you can.
1/3rd of the adult online population post videos that equates to about 50-66M ppl. I've never been able to find someone making that claim. I've seen flat earthers, reptilian hybrid claims all kinds of crazy crap, but never that. To exceed 1:100K would correlate hundreds of videos.
It's all propaganda to keep everyone hating each other and not talking. Here's another example. The ADL raising the alert on White Supremacist Propaganda increasing 12%.
It's impossible to prove. One can show statistically it's extremely improbable and that's all that can be done.
Prove there is no God or no flying spaghetti monster, to do so would require searching the entirety of space.
Try again.
Prove there is no God or no flying spaghetti monster, to do so would require searching the entirety of space.