Oh no, I made a comment online that praised a part of one of the Star Wars sequels...
... and now the Star Wars fandom have found it.
... and now the Star Wars fandom have found it.
I like The Original Trilogy, The Prequels AND The Sequels.
They all have their problems, they all have their good points, none of them are perfect. Just because someone dislikes them doesn't mean someone else won't and thats fine.
It has never been about making sense, great dialogue or consistency. It has always been whimsy!
The important thing is that it's being made, I've said the same thing about the various flavours of Trek too.
It might not be made for me and that's ok, so what if there is representation for other groups? They NEED it more than me, its important that they can see themselves in it too.
It makes ME a better writer because if everything was for me, always, I'd never learn, I'd never experience and I'd never grow. How can I expect to improve as a writer if everything I consume is always
Give me every flavour, give me every experience that I will NEVER experience outside of fiction.
Show me worlds that I need to see to understand my fellow person. So I can grow into myself and find deeper understanding.