和 While maintaining a fairly respectful adherence to her canon personality, I put my own spin on things.
和 A holy paragon of the Taoist faith, Miko seeks to uphold its values and bring hope to all.
和 Miko is a patient and cunning character, and an expert at wordplay and manipulation.
和 A holy paragon of the Taoist faith, Miko seeks to uphold its values and bring hope to all.
和 Miko is a patient and cunning character, and an expert at wordplay and manipulation.
和 She seeks to advance humanity towards achieving their greatest potential, and has grand plans in mind.
ᯓ Penned by #𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐧 (they/them)
ᯓ My work shifts are pretty all over the place, but I'm getting a new job soon so who knows.
ᯓ Feel free to DM if you want my discord!