She says, picking up another bite and shoving it into the man’s face.
He gives Sanji a questionable look before relenting and taking a bite. He raises his eyebrows and nods in agreement.
“It is really good. Are you a cook?” Sanji feels his face heating up as the man’s attention was directed
He gives Sanji a questionable look before relenting and taking a bite. He raises his eyebrows and nods in agreement.
“It is really good. Are you a cook?” Sanji feels his face heating up as the man’s attention was directed
“If you mean at a restaurant, no. That is the dream however. I’m Sanji.” The man smiles at him and shakes his outstretched hand.
“Zoro. And this is my seven year old daughter, Kuina.”
Kuina looks between the two and their hands and smiles with her mouth full.
“Sanji! Can I talk to you about something?” Sanji looked up from where he was preparing dessert.
“Of course, Kuina. What is it?”
Kuina, now thirteen, sat at the island counter with a large blank envelope in her hands.
Sanji’s face softened and he shook his head.
“My dear, you don’t have to thank me for that.
“But you don’t /have/ to. You didn’t have to be there, but you were. I know I’m not biologically yours, but–” Kuina sniffled and slid the envelope over to Sanji, urging him to open it.
Sanji furrowed his brows and reached into the envelope and
“I know I’m not biologically your daughter and even now I’m just your step daughter, but I would be so incredibly happy if you would adopt me as your own.”
Half of the application had been filled out by Zoro, meaning that he was already on board with this.
“My dear, Kuina…” He breathed out, setting the papers down and rounding the counter to stand in front of the girl.