Except the primary responsibility for demonstrating healthy masculinity to boys and young men does reside with their fathers.
There is no one else.
You can argue they seem to be doing a pretty poor job, esp if absent, but clearly that is the job of a father.
There is no one else.
You can argue they seem to be doing a pretty poor job, esp if absent, but clearly that is the job of a father.
This might have a greater effect on them than how their dads behave
Incidentally, there were women involved in the recent riots
On average men are more violent than women but only on average
The nos of young men lost to the far right is a failure of fatherhood.
They deserve better.
But by all means retreat to the old trope that blames women for men's failures...
You should accept that without caveat or shade, cos even w the issues you list to explain *why* too many fathers fail to raise decent men,
it's a failure of fatherhood.
& you can only fix things if you see the problem
So, I don’t agree that blaming men for being bad fathers will help to solve any problem
helps direct support to father's struggling to raise good sons, to be good fathers, in the face of all of the issues you have listed?
Hmm. We can disagree.
Fathers need help. It's difficult raising sons to be decent men, esp in the modern world.
Refusing to acknowledge the failure of fatherhood means men don't get the help they need, to do a good job raising the next generation.