There probably was an executive order to remove the constitution all together. If not it’s coming. And we will have the #Dicktator and his family running America for decades.
Might as well. The White House currently ignores it, why keep a copy of the Constitution where someone might read it? It will be removed from textbooks soon enough, I'm sure.
Fascism is a slippery slope into the abyss, unless you stand up to the bullies that fascists are. It worked for USA against Hitler and Mussolini , it should work against Trump.
There are other websites that have the details of the Constitution & every Amendment. And Barnes & Noble sells printed copies. Everyone should get their hands on a hard copy. You can’t edit a book that already exists.
2/2 at some point all the people who remember the old constitution die of old age and that version of events is forgotten
Of course before that point you can't openly talk about the real version because that means contradicting the official version of events and that's treason
Bio pages for former US presidents including Republican stalwarts Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan and Democrats Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton also turned up with "404 error- Page not found" messages. He’s copying Putin. It only took 53 days for Hitler as well.
Probably because they are actively destroying it. He purposefully did not swear an oath on the Bible. Therefore, in his mind, he didn’t promise to uphold the constitution. Remember, we are dealing with a child that throws his toys, out of the pram, if he doesn’t get his way.
They removed a few things. They also removed where it explains the 3 branches of government. And the documents, you could go and get old documents like every executive order from every president. Now, we can't even look at the ones he's currently putting through.
Because Trump doesn't want us to know some things, like how he gave "aid" to insurrectionists for 187 minutes, & should never have been allowed to hold any office
Because they have no intention of obeying it.Their excuse-hey, I didn’t read it because it’s not in the website. Ignorance is then bliss(fully disingenuous.)
Keep everyone ignorant of what is really happening. Like the church does. Priests and bishops being the only ones who could read back in the middle ages in Europe and the lowly peasants kept ignorant and illiterate are easier to control
Because they think they are changing the whole thing Mia and the way things are going he’s going to probably get away with it just like everything else
Fortunately, it’s on the Library of Congress website, including pictures of the original.
For now.
It’s probably in his bathroom being used for paper
Must be written in disappearing ink. 🤔
And he didn’t swear on the Bible
We the people...?
I found it here but then it says the page is "frozen in time." I went to the national archives.
... Moved somewhere safer?
He doesn’t intend to adhere to anything other than the demands of Putin, Musk, and the billionaires that bought him his undeserved freedom.
Fascism is a slippery slope into the abyss, unless you stand up to the bullies that fascists are. It worked for USA against Hitler and Mussolini , it should work against Trump.
People who have hardcopies printed before all of this.
We're not there yet but if no evidence of a version of events exists then for all intents and purposes it never happened
Didn't you know? The constitution never had that amendment, you must be remembering it wrong
Of course before that point you can't openly talk about the real version because that means contradicting the official version of events and that's treason
We're just very much on that path
It's ironic though because not long ago these same people would have been talking about their sacred constitution protecting their right to bear arms
What you mean the official constitution isn't the original? That sounds like treason to me... Maybe you're mistaken?
We just need everyone else to figure it out
I'm betting MAGAz will give up their guns too.
This is just surreal.