If true this could not be more serious
But who is left to investigate him?
But who is left to investigate him?
Reposted from
Jon Cooper
A former Soviet intelligence officer alleges Trump was recruited by the KGB in 1987 and given the codename “Krasnov.” Alnur Mussayev served in the 6th Directorate, responsible for counter-intelligence support in the economy. One key objective was “recruiting businessmen from capitalist countries.”
I have the KGB travel agency name somewhere but it escapes me right now.
When Trump came back from that KGB freebie holiday he took out $130,000 worth of adverts in national newspapers attacking NATO.
The explanation that requires the fewest assumptions is probably the correct one. This is very likely it.
Assumption: KGB got a blonde into his bed.
Everything else just plays out naturally like a fruit roll-up.
Melania is Slovenian.
Both were part of the old USSR.
I don't know a bout Ivana but I'm convinced that Melania was a "honeypot".
Lol it's so perfect!
Call the meme makers!
It's... Idk who the squirrel was be, but clearly he's pitted himself against Dudley Doright the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Has anyone told Trudeau? I would say Trusty Tru-deauright but I'm not sure it flows well enough... You be the judge.
I've been thinking about this since the whole Canada thing started.
Any action must come from outside the government. We are at that point.
The people must rise up. The military must honor their oath.
Invery state in OUR union.
A reminder from Bob Dylan!
Isn't this a headline in any US-TV-station?
(Asking from Europe)