So very proud of these leaders. So very saddened by and ashamed of our “leaders.” America is a blank spot where world leadership and democracy used to be.
In part that is true.I add the dismantling of America is so Elon Musk can avoid the bid process for any work in America and he can hand the contract to himself. Everyone involved with this admin has an ulterior motive surrounding money and power.I am disappointed we did not have protections in place
Nixon sank the Paris Peace talks in '68: TREASON. Reagan violated the Logan Act, gave weapons 2 Iran: TREASON. Bush I covered up Iran-Contra: TREASON. Bush II lied about WMD & outed a CIA operative: TREASON. We never executed any of them. To END TREASON, we need to KILL the bastards who commit it.
They knew what the score was after Macron met with Trump. They set this up immediately.
America is no longer a trusted nation and maybe never will be again. America is now an enemy.
Europe is understanding that they can’t trust US to do the right thing — and if we DO do the right thing, we’ll elect a tyrant to undo it. We are witnessing a shifting alignment where the US is allied with enemies of freedom and democracy, and the rest of the world is aligning against us
Slava Ukraini!!
(I don't know why. Does Denmark represent them again?)
America is no longer a trusted nation and maybe never will be again. America is now an enemy.