Dereliction of duty. Contempt of court. Add that on top of giving aid and comfort to America's enemies, while alienating long-standing allies and destroying the American global hegemony and associated soft-power. He is a disgrace to the dignity of the office. Impeach and remove.
Dictator donny
his goons sent a
14 year old kid to BUKELE in El Salvidor for what?
at 3 in morning... SOON very SOON
We know the problems.
We need solutions like securing and transparency software installed on our 'vote counting machines' which enable each voter to watch the polls and verity elections from out phone.
Trump must burn down the US fast. He needs the country to be in shambles and at war--and that is why he talking about war with Canada and immigrants. Trump will declare emergency to block the 2026 elections, because Trump knows impeachment could bring him close to prison again.
He. Will. Kill. People.
Hitler tried to hide his atrocities from the world; even that vile creature must have had a wee bit of shame.
The traitor in the WH is proud of his evil. He appeals to the type of person who packed a picnic lunch and took their children to public hangings 150 years ago.
The traitor in the WH appeals to the sadists, voyeurs, creeps, and ghouls among us. As has been said before, the cruelty is the point. This is all Imo, but I know it is true.
They are scared to make any allegations. Expect to see a lot of capitulation on the part of generally left leaning, and now mostly centrist, news outlets.
Please use #ALTTEXT to describe images for visually impaired readers. You get 2000 characters and can use speach to text to do it quickly and easily. You can set up Bluesky to remind you to use ALTTEXT.
As it is now, your post is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
Is he going to decree that all Bidens are required to wear targets on their backs at all times, so his violent and insane cultist and their gun fetishes will aim better than the one of his own who missed?
Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Justice and former EEOC Chair (1982–1990), was confirmed on October 23, 1991, despite glaring ethical concerns. His corruption as Justice has only grown, eroding trust in the Court and the rule of law.
He did warn the first couple of months would be tough but all too many voters thought that would simply mean appeasing their bigotry instincts. Instead they've voted in Hitler Mk 2 and, guess what folks, its not a movie, its the REAL thing !!
You are so right, Mia!!! he’s testing the limits of the Supreme Court order concerning immunity! And I guess that that some Supreme Court is an American just like he is! Everybody American needs to stand up and get ready to fight this
Everyone needs to call their Dem senators today & ask them to call to remove Schumer & have him replaced. There has to be one brave senator who can get the votes to oust him. Jeffries needs to go too! Nothing is going to change until Dems have new leaders who can unite their caucus & fight harder.
Welcome to the world of a traitorous and demented toxic malignant narcissist. It's bad enough when it's only toxic malignant narcissism. The ex son-in-law is one of those deviant FREAKS. There is no bottom to a toxic malignant narcissist's barrel of behaviors... EVER.
Turn to Fox: "Supreme Leader Trump frontrunner for Nobel Peace Prize, Medal of Honor, Best Picture Oscar, and record for most Girl Scout Cookies sold."
People have realized that politeness and passivity is useless in combating this utter madness. The paralyzing shock has turned into determination and an awareness of collective responsibility. One can feel that a wild rage is brewing to take back democracy, in the same brutal way as the 🍊 psycho.
I don't think he's testing anything anymore. He's going full-bore stupid into all of it. He thinks he's above the law and is behaving as such and won't let anyone stop him.
This is what happens when you don't punish your kids.
He’s got too much time on his hands. He’s not working for the people. He’s working on his own evil agenda for retaliation and learning to golf.⛳️
The American people are not on his agenda.
On the positive side: Just got some spam from KLM. Real cheap flight to all US destinations from Europe right now. For anyone who doesnt mind having their return ticket rerouted to el Salvador.
Nothing, it is hide-speak. The required language of the main pressers. It is a seeping sludge that is laying the red carpet to misinformation and the plague of wishful MAGA and Pollyanna thinking.
Will we fight back? Twenty-eight year old Michael Collins invented modern urban guerrilla warfare. This beautiful and powerful film includes a score with wonderful background vocals by the late Sinead O'Connor. I urge all Americans to mark St. Patrick's Day by watching it.
It's horrifying. People being deported to slave labor camps run by foreign dictators without due process? And a midwife has been arrested in TX for performing abortions.
Thank you for bringing all of this to our attention. But what can we DO? What is the most effective way to resist? People have a lot of faith in the courts, but they've been packed by the right wing. Of course, I'll vote in the midterms but districts have been so gerrymandered not much will change.
It's FASCISM clear-as-can-be, nothing else to call it and everyone SHOULD call it what it IS. Say the WORD People! Make the reich-wing OWN who and WHAT they ARE.
He has clearly overwhelmed the system's capacity for legal challenges so that route has very minimal chances of making a meaningful impact. Dems seem to be placing hopes in the midterms but that is a fools errand since the voting system has already been dismantled. You need to be in a war footing.
He's getting away with it and is cheered on by the majority of Americans.
The leader the country deserves.
his goons sent a
14 year old kid to BUKELE in El Salvidor for what?
at 3 in morning... SOON very SOON
We need solutions like securing and transparency software installed on our 'vote counting machines' which enable each voter to watch the polls and verity elections from out phone. is that solution.
Hitler tried to hide his atrocities from the world; even that vile creature must have had a wee bit of shame.
The traitor in the WH is proud of his evil. He appeals to the type of person who packed a picnic lunch and took their children to public hangings 150 years ago.
As it is now, your post is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
at cross-purposes
"I, uh, hate to judge before all the facts are in, it's beginning to look like, uh, General Ripper exceeded his authority."
Episode 65: Trump Replaces Voice of America with KGB-FM
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stampify, the new platform for philatelists.
#Trump #VOA #Rubio
Still to come :
Chapter Two: Control the Narrative
Chapter Three: Secure Loyalists
Chapter Four: Create a Culture of Fear
Chapter Five: Consolidate Power
Chapter Six: Build a Cult of Personality
The Felon King is not expressly defying court orders;
He’s just sending jesters into court to lie to judges about ignoring court orders.
Democracy lives another day!
This is realizing the guardrails are all gone.
But lots of glossy propaganda!🤢
This is what happens when you don't punish your kids.
The American people are not on his agenda.
WhyTF are the People and the press not truly panicked and alarmed at what is happening, what they are seeing???
Clean up on isle X....
Krasnov is a traitor.
God they are useless equivocators.