If he spends the next 3 years speaking with citizens all over the country, red and blue. If he comes up with CONCRETE policies based in information and not just concepts of ideas. If he can unite the party behind him. Absolutely.
He would be a great President and I’m pretty sure he’s running. America won’t elect a Black woman or a gay man. Newsome shot himself in the foot kissing up to the right with that podcast. I don’t think AOC could win, sadly. Walz is currently the strongest choice.
Mia, we'll never have another presidential election ever again....unless there's a major revolution in America. The regime sending innocent people to El Salvador prisons wasn't a bug, but a feature, which has the American citizens standing back.
I've heard good stuff from Buttigieg. I don't know about Walz, but PB is the only person I've heard so far who's acknowledged the status quo pre-Trump was bust, and the Dems need a new direction rather than continue to be the party of the status quo. A return to it after the mess Trump is sure...
... to create could win them 2028, but that would give the forces that created Trump four years to regroup and to do what they're doing now again, more successfully, in 2035.
So maybe Walz, if and only if he has a clear offer of a positive alternative to both Trump and the former status quo.
He may have the votes, but as we have witnessed, the election is bought and unless we find a way to stop those criminals, it will be unlikely that anyone, who is for humanity and equality, will become president. A.k.A. WE ARE SCREWED!
Tho Tim is a member of the Democratic Party and tho his talk is very progressive, he’s not talking about socialism or revolution. Do you think that would help?
Possibly. Mostly, I mean that he seems like a genuinely altruistic, kind person and, unfortunately, those types never seem to get far these days when it comes to Executive branch politics, especially with Right Wingers who seem to value big stupid displays of 'power' over actually helping people.
Not sure. He's great at interviews. Not so great at debating. That said the stuff he's passed in Minnesota would be welcomed across the nation. He's proper working class/middle class.
If he can keep up this energy/this fight and we support him in it —- AND if we can collectively tear down the MAGA machine before the next election cycle, then yes. I hope so.
Well I sure wish a bunch a Dems would start campaigning now. Just like fotus never took a break. Also it would reinforce the reality of there will be elections. Right now erase the question of will there be elections by getting established now ahead of the game. MANIFEST.
Oh, don't worry. While we still have an Electoral College, it may not even matter what the popular vote says. And once again, if we ever get to have another election. Apparently he never heard or even read the Constitution. And if he did, he doesn't care, or it's too complicated for his intellect.
Let’s support blue no matter who. We are in a constitutional crisis. Freedom of speech is in danger. So many people on the left could have voted but chose not to because they wanted the perfect candidate.
Listen, he is a good man and he cazan do many many good things whithout being president. I think we need a younger person that will create the future and understand how social media and ai works.
I know he’s only 60, but we are talking about someone in the next 4-15 years, not today. Moreover, age is something relative. He’s a good man,not presidential material
I think Trump, Musk and Heritage are going to change and divide America’s culture, national and international phsyce’ forever.
Whatever Dems do they have little time to prove themselves.
They need to learn how to ‘Bark in Unison’ before they can ‘Roar as One’.
My governor, Josh Shapiro is doing everything right. He's the perfect choice. Plus, it will be 20 years in 2028 since we've had a governor for president.
I think so. He's a common sense straight shooter I just wish our country could could learn to accept ppl for who & what they are. The idea that one of the best communicators who's among our best & brightest @petebuttigieg.bsky.social is avoided due to prejudice fear & stupidity. Huge loss, IMO
It's possible. It feels like he would be another safe centrist candidate that would fail to get the base enthusiastic and be doomed to failure. I would be far more excited about president AOC.
We must get end to end encrypted fully auditable voting systems and redesigned fully auditable ballots w/signatures on them- or one person with a laptop in a parking lot (starlink?) can flip an entire state and be untraceable. Why proceed without overdue security? https://youtu.be/AwSVN_dgio8?si=v3o7NKLJUIXa6JIH
As a Minhesotan, I like Walz as our governor, but I can't see him as presidential. He would be a good choice for a cabinet position, but I doubt he would find that enticing. He would've been very good at the Dept. Of Education, but we all know that won't exist after these buffoons are finished.
You cannot acquiescence to that thought as fait accompli. That’s surrendering in advance. We have to fight against that tooth and nail. Allowing yourself to accept that as truth is their job half done.
I would LOVE to say yes, but no. He is an outstanding human being but there are two factors working against him:
1. He's too nice - we need a real fighter who is not afraid to call the opposition out for what they really are
2. I don't think there will be another election
Ya, I'm concerned Trump is starting to make moves to get us in some kind of war or civil war and claim we can't have midterms either. Tim would do an excellent job! I want Pete because he can talk circles around everyone.
Actually, yes.
I have said this to a number of people. He's intelligent, caring & able to speak to people on any level & would make a terrific President...provided you can crowbar the other miscreant out...
At this point only JB pritzker has a chance.
Walz let them walk all over his military service, tampons and her McDonald's work and came out looking like a liar and a coward. You can laugh but those three things took the momentum out of their campaign. very easy things to prove why and true.
No. The DNC’s large donors told Walz not to upstage Kamala & Liz Cheney. You could see the disdain all over the Californian’s faces for the Walzes. Walz is exactly who the country needs right now.
What I worry about is at this rate…two months in with this cruel and incompetent Trump regime…and looking at the destruction and chaos they have wrought, what will be the state of our government in 4 years and will we even have…or be allowed to have…an election?
No. I love him, but too goofy to win.
Gavin Newsom for the win, with Eric Swallwell for VP. Sadly, the 2024 election has shown that we are not evolved enough to elect a woman of color. Has to be a white straight man.
So, sadly, too, I don't think we're ready for Pete Buttigieg.
To those who doubt his electability, this White House internal poll from July is illuminating. When presenting him as a possible Biden replacement he polled the best and won the Electoral College. Whitmer was second Btw. A gay man and woman did best. Harris and Newsom lost.
No, but Tim Walz should be VP for the next 8 years. Because Kamala Harris should be President for the next 8 years. I will never not be furious that she isn’t.
No. He campaigns well but he is too nice. Or pretending to be that nice. Either way, politics is uncontrollably dirty and cruel and he would be eaten alive.
Well you have the 77 million or so reprobates who won’t budge off of Trump or whatever deranged mutant the GOP runs in the next election. If Walz can get many of the 90 million ass sitting non-voters to the voting booths then he can do it.
He is a very very nice and kind man. I personally believe not strong enough. Sorry to him I’m not trying to be mean to a good man. Who would be a perfect president, Pete Buttigieg. Smart, always calm, knows every fact needed or finds it.
You could put them both on the ticket and I would not care who got the top but I would probably get more excited by the best 2 out of 4 from Tim, JB, Duckworth and AOC because we deserve and sorely need a woman in there and they're both "of the people", smart, strong and compassionate.
I was wrong with my previous comment. He should run. I said his ideas are too progressive and bold but NO we need to have a progressive look into the future and he is it.
I’m in MN and I freaking love him and admire the fact that he has stepped up for the country in all the way we need a leader to in this moment.That being said I don’t think he would win,at least in 2028.His positions are too progressive for the country right now. Check out the DFL though it’s great!
No, Heritage Foundation (Project 2025) are too deeply entrenched within the GOP/government with the help of AIPAC.
There will never be another *free/fair* democratic election in the US. If DT lives long enough I’m betting he gets a 3rd term with Vance, then Johnson as successors.
After what the GOP is about to do to the country, a poop-flinging monkey could win running against them…if there’s ever going to be another free and fair election.
Yes absolutely. He gives the best hugs. He smells like hot cocoa and feels like warm rain. Or he smells like warm rain and feels like hot cocoa. You choose.
When he was picked my sister said “he was picked because he does not want to run for president”. I said “I met him, don’t him count out”
No. Plus Trump is planning to declare martial law or simply cheat to ensure we never have another fair election. The way things are looking so far, his plan is very likely to succeed.
No. He's on a short list of democrats that are capable, but probably not electable. Realistically, I think Mark Kelly or Josh Shapiro could garner the most support.
He's certainly well liked. But I think Trump et al are making every effort to completely dismantle the election process before his term ends. He'll likely find some pretext to declare a state of emergency.
There's a hugely important *emotional* issue at stake here, that the left of the Democratic party will not concede: The safeguarding of girls from sexually perverted men who claim to be women.
In an effort not to be "transphobic", mentioning sexually perverted men in dress has become taboo.
Girls are 99.99% likely to be assaulted by someone they know (family member, family friend, teacher, coach etc) than a stranger or the 5 people who you've read about on the internet who went to extreme measures to assault women and girls. Cis men are a much bigger threat to us.
In the England and Wales there are 18000 cis male sex offenders in prison, and about 70 transgender sex offenders. So I was a bit off with my percentage. But the point was, cus makes still the bigger problem.
That said the rate of convictions is 3 times that of cis male prisonniers. But it's that because rape is so under reported and very hard to prove in court. Probably much easier to prove with a trans woman. Or more likely to be believed.
I’m a little more in the “do you think we are going to have a actual 2028 election“ camp right now. Rs are not acting like they are concerned about winning votes
I worry there wont be another election. Or maybe we
get a Putin type election: like this: Putin has 7% popularity. They hate him. But he wins every election by 99%.Totally rigged.They’ll do that here.Trump can assign Vance & Miller to run stuff, keep him out of prison, let him golf & eat &watch tv
They are 100% going after the 22nd amendment. Steve Bannon did an interview today and said as much. It’s all in project 2025 and is scary how closely they have stuck to it. Take care of yourselves everybody and be careful out there 💙
Also my concern. He said something about "blue states being wiped off the map" and "We have a big surprise for you"
I can't even begin to speculate, but I sure hope every state ditches the voting machines and puts a contingency in place in case of more bomb threats
We are definitely on the same page. Or - with Elon saying “Civil War is inevitable” - they are banking on creating chaos, declaring “civil war” and using the military to seize permanent power by force.
They have 3 branches, SCOTUS, and the military. And Elon is saying “Civil War is inevitable”.
They are banking on chaos and takeover. He is telling us what to expect
Dude isn’t old. He’s a dad of a teen and a young adult. He’s my husband’s age and I’ll fight anyone that puts us out to pasture already. That said, I’d love Walz Buttigieg! 🔥
Debate is not as efficient for top job. The theatric American voter looking is shift lot and to match it by faking is not his thing enough. He would do great job being president tho to everyday American. Sad part; Not enough to win.
Nice guy, might have been a funny sidekick to Kamala, but he's not presidential material.
DO NOT try it!
Requires an election.
Wont happen.
But point of fact: right about now a naked monkey and a can of paint could beat Rump in a fair election.
So maybe Walz, if and only if he has a clear offer of a positive alternative to both Trump and the former status quo.
If he passes that, maybe.
He seems like a good person but I don't think he is electable.
Whatever Dems do they have little time to prove themselves.
They need to learn how to ‘Bark in Unison’ before they can ‘Roar as One’.
In 2028, I want to see Pete Buttigieg in the presidential debate against Vance.
1. He's too nice - we need a real fighter who is not afraid to call the opposition out for what they really are
2. I don't think there will be another election
I have said this to a number of people. He's intelligent, caring & able to speak to people on any level & would make a terrific President...provided you can crowbar the other miscreant out...
At this point only JB pritzker has a chance.
Walz let them walk all over his military service, tampons and her McDonald's work and came out looking like a liar and a coward. You can laugh but those three things took the momentum out of their campaign. very easy things to prove why and true.
Gavin Newsom for the win, with Eric Swallwell for VP. Sadly, the 2024 election has shown that we are not evolved enough to elect a woman of color. Has to be a white straight man.
So, sadly, too, I don't think we're ready for Pete Buttigieg.
He's a good and brave man though.
It's going to be a woman WHEN We make it past this.
There will never be another *free/fair* democratic election in the US. If DT lives long enough I’m betting he gets a 3rd term with Vance, then Johnson as successors.
Dems are not capable of that kinda feat.
When he was picked my sister said “he was picked because he does not want to run for president”. I said “I met him, don’t him count out”
In an effort not to be "transphobic", mentioning sexually perverted men in dress has become taboo.
Did you make up the 99.99% number?
Have you seen the stats on incarcerated men comparing rates of sex assault convictions of trans identified vs other men?
Let's compare *rates*, not numbers.
get a Putin type election: like this: Putin has 7% popularity. They hate him. But he wins every election by 99%.Totally rigged.They’ll do that here.Trump can assign Vance & Miller to run stuff, keep him out of prison, let him golf & eat &watch tv
Elon likely already pulled some sort of shenanigans during the recent election.
I can't even begin to speculate, but I sure hope every state ditches the voting machines and puts a contingency in place in case of more bomb threats
If we let them…
They are banking on chaos and takeover. He is telling us what to expect