Social Security is financed through a dedicated payroll tax. Employers and employees each pay 6.2 % of wages up to the taxable maximum of $176,100 (in 2025), while the self-employed pay 12.4 %
It is a PAID for benefit. The government was acting as a banker holding YOUR money until you retired or were in dire need.
Many claims of fraud and abuse but no prosecutions or any verifiable details provided to substantiate these claims.
We all payed into it
But oligarchs and the wealthy who suffer none from altering it want to ease their burden to have more wealth they don’t need
Time to show the rich that we’re done coddling trickle down and insane wealth inequality - so they can have another mansion or jet?
Your oppression is their profession.
we and our employers paid into it.
Unless you are self employed-then it is your savings
It's not a tax. It's an entitlement which means
Our government refers to it as a tax because payment is mandatory, but unlike other taxes, this is ours to receive back when we are retired
ground ….
Trump must not be allowed to take our money!
He doesn’t need to worry about how he is going to pay for medicine, food, heat, and housing!
DC and Nationwide (more locations still being added)
Bring friends 🌱💕🦋 to fight back against Trump/Musk power grab.🔥🙏
Deport Muskrat.
And for any Polilticians sneeringly calling it an entitlement: YES--we paid it all our working life & so we're ENTITLED to it!
Just saying.
They are nothing but common thieves.
“No, Social Security isn't a Ponzi scheme. It's a pay-as-you-go program, not a scam. It’s transparent and government-backed. Sustainable with tweaks, strained by demographics but not doomed to fail”
Grok screenshot is on my profile
“To the victors go the spoils…”
Is their perspective.
They are Putin’s conquering army.
It's all about power. I absolutely detest them all.
I was raised not to use the word hate, and I didn't. Still, I detest them all, I really do. They are hurting so many people.
Then again, they are harming millions of people. I am seeing patients in tears, fearing for their health benefits, social security, SNAP-all of it. Total fear. Some feel suicidal.
The people causing this show no empathy. They need to be gone.
More importantly, I know SS is a safety net for all participating seniors & disabled. It is our money.
I won’t go quietly.
A lifetime of OUR 12.4% earned income deferred for our future selves. That we did not have use of then.
Why should people be forced to pay into something they won't receive for retirement!!!
I'm sick of this shit...
We have a similar system here in Canada .. funds are separate from the treasury / held in trust and invested globally
Oh there won't be money left for you when you retire,
Politicians have been using that same old LIE for decades about SS. I heard the same when I was younger.
Strange, they don't say that much.
Please share widely.
Like, we pay into this like any other insurance. We see thru you. Try to take our SS checks & enter into the find out phase which I’m sure they’re hoping for. They love suffering.
Maddow reports on SSI tonight! Stunning
Anyone earning $176,000 is paying the exact same amount as Elon Musk. Seem fair to you? I didn't think so.
And yet the billionaires think they can steal this $ paid by workers & businesses. They are the thieves, not the ones who paid in.
We’ve seen roadblocks set up in red states where they have intentionally made it difficult to get services or find info- I fear we will see this strategy implemented on a large scale.
So those earning more than that are being taxed at a marginal rate of 0%?
The more you earn the lower the proportion of your earnings you contribute?
That's mad. And very American.
For sure there was creative bookkeeping, but zero SSA dollars were stolen or even used for non-SSA purposes.
Every day call your senators and rep 202-224-3121
Mike Johnson
John Thune
Chuck Schumer
Hakeem Jefferies
Call for impeachment or treason charges. Use if you need help.
I’m sick of all of them.
Americans have financially planned their retirement to receive these payments
The rest of the income above that cap?
No social security tax!
How many millionaires get off tax free? All of em!
That sucks baby ducks