this man was literally wrong about everything during the aids epidemic, and the Covid epidemic…. I don’t care how long you study. If you get everything wrong you’re still an idiot or you’re corrupt.🤷♂️
A national hero that nobody ever talks about. A clear failure of the corporate media. How Dr. Fauci wasn't lauded as the best thing that happened under the fiasco of 45 is insane.
The Democrats should have been having him give speech after speech for the 1st 2 years of Biden's presidency.
It doesn't take much to trick a person who shags their cousin willingly. Hell, these dumb asses ate horse dewormer without anyone having to prompt them. I'm pretty sure that if Donald J Trump told them that drinking bleach cured covid, we would have had so many dead republicans by now.
Psst, Hey dumbfuck, people took it at doses meant for animals. Y'all are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Your brains are riddled with chronic Dipshittery. Get help.
Not true. This is strictly your opinion.
Also, all of the media puppets and government officials demonizing Ivermectin were in FACT treated secretly with prescription Ivermectin while lying to everyone.
"The wife blamed President Trump, saying she and her husband ingested it after hearing the President tout one of its ingredients, chloroquine phosphate." Technically their death is on Trump.
I have had death threats made towards me, but not once have I had a conspiracy theory made about me, congratulations for setting a new precident in right-wing mental illness, what do you want, a fucking cookie?
It’s now hard to source, but you can get fluoride tablets. Next best advice is to use fluoride toothpaste but don’t rinse when you’ve finished brushing. Do not purposefully swallow massive chunks of toothpaste though.
My personal irony: I worked as a home hospice nurse throughout the COVID pandemic (>70yo), lots of COVID patients, wore a mask 100%, only got COVID because an elderly patient needed to read my lips to communicate. She gave it to me. If masks don’t work, why do 100% of operating rooms use them.
Every conspiracy theory requires an incredible amount of hubris. An ego that honestly believes that legions of actors and millions of dollars are all arrayed just to fool you because you're really worth that much effort.
When in reality, if the government wants to silence someone a bullet is 75¢
Can't believe that conspiracy theorists exist in this modern technical world of vast fact finding sources, which gives us the ability to quickly sort out what's true and what's false.
I think they've had a misguided, upbringing and need some spiritual help with their empty purposeless lives.
I have had luck with this one:
For you to be right, every national health service, medical school, doctor organisation, nursing organisation, and pharmaceutical company has to be on board with poisoning rich white people. Just saying...
Dunning-Kruger was in full force during COVID. And I'll admit that I was a tad skeptical at times. But I played enough Plague Inc on my phone to know it's better to take precautionary measures than to leave it up to chance.
The good doctor spent years guiding various administrations before having to tell a political toddler that injecting bleach into human veins might not be a good idea. Where ever did we go wrong.
I can’t wrap my head around this type of logic? Yes, I’m going to listen to Jim Bob from Louisiana who has to reaffirm their gender by wearing a shirt that says “I am a man.” lol
Probably best for the magats who blame the democrats for everything being expensive..another plague will lower gas prices to their "ideal" $1.50 a gal. And people can afford premium gas for their premium vehicle to avoid backfiring constantly 😒😒
Exactly! Because obviously, the guy who barely passed 10th-grade science knows so much more than a doctor with decades of experience and actual credentials. Makes perfect sense!
Trudeau+Freeland fly dirty but could fly same plane clean for half the cost. They know about GreenNH3 but wont reply to their own honest scientists
Gives ea illegal $225/day
He returns your own $250 once
Want communism? move to Cuba
RePost to help stop WEF
Dr.Fauci - he led the infection prevention efforts in the U.S. and saved thousands of lives by avoiding catastrophic infections post-op and post invasive procedures. He was so maligned by the MAGAts it was horrible. He is an honorable man and should be lauded.
Or we should condemn him for an (accidental) gain-of-function virus release onto the world and then lining his and friends’ pockets in big pharma for coming in with ineffective vaccines.
The Democrats should have been having him give speech after speech for the 1st 2 years of Biden's presidency.
Also, all of the media puppets and government officials demonizing Ivermectin were in FACT treated secretly with prescription Ivermectin while lying to everyone.
(Go back to your cave chud, your post has nothing to do with reality or the aforementioned posts)
Observers, this Panda is part of a paid disinformation team affiliated with the UK's 77th Briagade.
It's a professional pusher of disinformation.
Why would you ascribe "right wing" to my observations about a well known disinformation team whose name you share?
When in reality, if the government wants to silence someone a bullet is 75¢
I think they've had a misguided, upbringing and need some spiritual help with their empty purposeless lives.
For you to be right, every national health service, medical school, doctor organisation, nursing organisation, and pharmaceutical company has to be on board with poisoning rich white people. Just saying...
...but Conflicts of Interest are a big part of his toolkit.
Funding Wuhan Virology Lab was perhaps his worst. Flip-flopping on recommendations a distant 2nd.
Sorry, but do you mean ALL OF US???
Gives ea illegal $225/day
He returns your own $250 once
Want communism? move to Cuba
RePost to help stop WEF