Our "non-business" churches are having a very hard time. They turn to marketing and various business schemes in order to survive. Often, these days, they don't. Megachurches are more economical. Generally, places of worship, civic organizations, schools and trade unions, strengthen the community.
All they have to do is pray to be forgiven after all their sins, then Bingo they become Christian's again
Then The required "we're all sinners"!
Hypocritical Saints🤣🤣🤣
Ideology of Mythical Creatures an Fairy Tales
Religion root of all evil!
The "love of money" is that root. It's the hoarding of money and power, fueled by greed and vanity, that is clearly the root of our present malady. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Malady
That and take everything I tell you to be true on faith alone. (Now give me a large % of your money ...) They are conditioned not to question their Dear Leader.
Accompanied by the worldview of:
1. Women are less than men
2. Children who are born are disposable (except their own)
3. Me, me, me is all that matters
4. Jesus was too “woke”
This makes evangelicals a perfect fit for the Republican Party.
As dumb as trump is, he was savvy enough to know that the people who blindly worship their god and their bibles will easily worship a man who flatters them and validates them. Just look at moron mike pence. What did his faith in trump get him?
Also, they think women are their livestock.
Then The required "we're all sinners"!
Hypocritical Saints🤣🤣🤣
Ideology of Mythical Creatures an Fairy Tales
Religion root of all evil!
1. Women are less than men
2. Children who are born are disposable (except their own)
3. Me, me, me is all that matters
4. Jesus was too “woke”
This makes evangelicals a perfect fit for the Republican Party.