Making people face their hypocrisy can be seen as very offensive so they may lash out
Try asking a so called animal lover why they still eat them. You will either get a “that’s not true cuz I don’t eat dogs/cats” or the laughter of embarrassment when they look down and laugh
I used to think it was an extreme position myself, but I also didn’t understand it’s a justice movement against all animal exploitation and not a dietary restriction. Once that clicked, I realized it’s the furthest thing fr extreme
it seems to me that at least 50 percent of what a human thinks is fact, is actually serious BS. i have one person in real life that is generally viewing things the same way as me. ONE. she's vegetarian for decades. i just recently (three years?) went vegan.
Try asking a so called animal lover why they still eat them. You will either get a “that’s not true cuz I don’t eat dogs/cats” or the laughter of embarrassment when they look down and laugh
I used to think it was an extreme position myself, but I also didn’t understand it’s a justice movement against all animal exploitation and not a dietary restriction. Once that clicked, I realized it’s the furthest thing fr extreme