It's not looking good, basically they said "yeah we know YOU think your character is an adult, but would some random person agree?"
Love a VERY subjective moderation policy. Guess a shortstack with a massive rack is fine but god forbid a boy be short. (No offense to the massive racked shortstacks)
Love a VERY subjective moderation policy. Guess a shortstack with a massive rack is fine but god forbid a boy be short. (No offense to the massive racked shortstacks)
I'm annoyed this happened/might happen. >.>
And of course, you know if you had all the *exact* same features but were a viera nobody would bat an eyelid -.-
People are horribly racist.
i just don't get what they have against dwarves and shortstacks.
Why are we being specific now?!
It's a shame you couldn't get your account back, but they can't get rid of YOU! We here for you!