"Hyenas are felines, not canines!"
Hyenas aren't felines, they're feliform!
It's not a nitpick, it's a significant difference! They're more closely related to felines than to dogs, true. But so is every species on their evolutionary branch going all the way back to Miacis Parvivorus 40m years ago.
Hyenas aren't felines, they're feliform!
It's not a nitpick, it's a significant difference! They're more closely related to felines than to dogs, true. But so is every species on their evolutionary branch going all the way back to Miacis Parvivorus 40m years ago.
Hyenas and all felines are very far apart, in and of themselves!
(Based on my layman research. I am not claiming to be an expert)
Hyenas are technically not felines nor canines, but they are related to both because their family tree if traced back far enough merges into both the the feline tree and the origins of the canine tree, which is indeed a big difference, since they are another third group, a hyenine group.