What to do when no one can pronounce your child's name correctly.
Parents can help the child turn mispronunciations into a journey of pride and understanding by teaching them to be patient and persistent.
Parents can help the child turn mispronunciations into a journey of pride and understanding by teaching them to be patient and persistent.
Is it my job as a parent to be the pronunciation police?
Or maybe I'm supposed to see it as judgement on my creative naming skills?
I don't care anymore.
It's easier to respond to whatever they say and not correct them.
Call me Bob.
And the person knows you see them.
Naming your kid X Æ A-12 is just incredibly mean.
There is no pronunciation.
Weird names bring on bullying and torment and can cause a lifetime of damage.
John or Susie is perfectly fine.
Jeebus we make things hard that don’t need to be.
Parents picked the middle one. ;)