Shot, chaser. What a bunch of clowns.
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Ive tried to get accommodation during a big event in Hobart (for a medical appt) and it was hard finding somewhere to stay that I could afford to stay at!
Worked for Trump enough unfortunately
I mean there’s definitely not a pattern there.
Tasmanians are so foolish with their votes.
I really didn’t think he had a chance.
Just goes to show.
Gee, I’m glad we don’t have any homelessness in Australia
Or poverty
Or public schools that are chronically underfunded
Or massive backlogs in hospitals
But we will have a nice shiny bright new football stadium
What a waste 🏟️
But it would make sense that ticket sales would bring in cash, accomodation, food, services and wages. All taxed and added to the coffers.
It doesn't make sense that the opposite happens. Money is drained?
I'm not putting the conversation in your thread in the correct context so I withdraw from any debate on the specifics.
Maybe not this decade...
They don’t make money
Donations are made to political parties and governments build them so THOSE private investors make huge profits…
and they don’t spend it on anything BUT THEMSELVES
As well as whatever deals the rich people are doing (if they comply with the system)
stadium entry contribution scheme
It's predicated on people who are not Tasmanians buying tickets, and generating tourism revenue more broadly. I doubt that makes sense either, but it's a different question.
If only they’d spend this amount of money on your health system or the housing issues
Oh! I get it!
Because that makes it too Haaaaaard to get there, Macquarie wharf will be MUCH better .... Not.