Any other president would be rushed to the hospital after saying this.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Trump: "Schumer is a Palestinian as far as I'm concerned. He's become a Palestinian. He used to be Jewish. He's not Jewish anymore. He's a Palestinian."
I would rush anybody that said that to the hospital for evaluation.
to fight fascism. You are a national treasure.
America has long had a well earned reputation for wallowing in HATE.
This ain't new.
Hopefully, it happens soon. And no, I don’t care how that sounds.
And check out the newly installed gold filigree decor on the marble mantle behind that crazy power grabbing old bastard .He must be transforming the WH into something disgustingly gaudy like More to GAGon. Your tax dollars at work?
Vote DEMS 11/3/2026🇺🇸💪🏽🫡 #resist #act #vote #organizenow
This ASTONISHED me. Makes me sick.
It's not OK that you can rant about an insult to Schumer and not even mention what prompted it
It's not OK that the US government abducts someone, violating their 1st amendment rights and you can't mention it.
At least HE questioned it
you Sir are silent
If you support free speech, you support it whether or not you like what someone is saying
Khalil is the canary in the coal mine for ALL of OUR free speech rights.
And your inability to talk about that is not OK
This administration wants to do away with EVERYONE'S 1st amendment rights, not just Khalil's
aLL. But maybe we need one at a time. Gotta start w/the rotten fish head.
There was greatness in that outrage. Thank you.
Breaking Science News.
The James Webb Telescope has searched, but the limit of Trump's stupidity cannot be detected.
Scientists now believe it is in a state of infinite expansion.
I love science.
There’s no health care so guess no properly funded geriatric mental institution
Might as well put him in your White House
Moment Shitler deficates in pants while taking questions
The question is why do republicans follow what he says?
Gotta stop giving malice the scapegoat of ignorance.
Can’t we just dump him gaza and we will see how we he does.
Guantanamo Bay- no one there now
Narcissistic sociopaths ha e not matured from the age of 5. He will never take responsibility. He has zero empathy or sympathy. They are internally damaged from 5. It will get worse.
Born in the USA.
But now is a Russian Putin pet.