NEWS | the SIX proshot is finally getting released!
...but what does it mean for the show (and the future of proshots)?
find out here ⬇️
...but what does it mean for the show (and the future of proshots)?
find out here ⬇️
This is the copuntry I live in.I'm not trans but it don't matter, I fight for human rights when ay group is subjugated and the trans have had it way too long even by LGBTQ, its enough.they're human beings trying to live their live and it makes me cry and bring my past
I wanted to share this with you MickyJo because of your interest in Ameridca, expecdially Manhattan, which stands to take a substantial defending very shortlym after trump takes office. permitt me to show you one more thing-an article from the NY times whichwill enrahe u