Imagine the reaction when that Rolling Stone cover came out with them in bed together, arms wrapped around each other. And they hadn’t even kissed yet!
If you have recs for fics, I will absolutely take them once I've caught up! I know I'm 30 years late to the party but oh my GODS I love this show. It's no big surprise, considering the producers, directors, and writers have all be responsible for my favorite television — esp SPN. I can safely say–
I'll be loving this show for the rest of my life. I wish I had gotten to experience it live, in much the same way I wish I had gotten to with classic Trek. I would have lived & breathed it, no doubt about it. I wish I had the money to buy the boxset so I could see all the special features!
"The X-Files were created (and, some may say, destroyed) by Chris Carter and remain the property of the Fox Network and 1013 productions." I AM DISTRAUGHT BECAUSE YES, YES HE DID DESTROY IT!! (I have reached s8 and noticed David being removed from the opening credits, did a Google, am now sobbing.
I didn't learn anything aside from him not renewing his contract, and my previous knowledge of there being a 2008 movie with him, and then the revival s10 & s11 which as far as I know star both him & Gillian. But s8 blindsided me completely.
Bookmarking this to come back to later because I have TONS of recommendations and also recommendations for you of and by wonderful authors who grace us here with their talent, presence and generosity!
Thank you 😭😭😭 I miss the late 90's/early 2000s internet and just know there's some amazing fic (and art!!! I would love to see the art as well) out there. To think there's 30+ years of fic out there for me to catch up on is the only bright spot in this pit of despair I have found myself in.
We went through it all in slow motion back then but no less rage-full. He really did ruin it. It was almost like he didn’t want people to love it so much anymore.
Like I said, I did not survive it, it changed me as an observer and creator of art.
And it brought me to transformative fiction, which has honestly sustained me through an awful lot, taught me things no one else ever did or would have, and generally made me a happier and more empathetic person.
Dear God I would have screeched in them middle of the Food Lion had I seen it as a fan back then.
MSR was my first ship, my first foray into internet fandom, my first time reading fic! (The fic was fire btw and some archives are still up!)
I’m loving watching you go through it all with fresh eyes!
And especially look at her top fics list. NGL I think this list explains a lot about my whole personality.
We went through it all in slow motion back then but no less rage-full. He really did ruin it. It was almost like he didn’t want people to love it so much anymore.
Like I said, I did not survive it, it changed me as an observer and creator of art.