My contracts with my publishers don't allow them or me to use AI for anything, and that's the way I want it. Besides all of the obvious issues, I write because I get *pleasure* out of it--and solace and understanding and all kinds of other benefits. I am not "outsourcing" any of that.
Reposted from
Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch, PhD
Is anyone else just *not interested* in using AI for their writing? All accuracy and morality aside, I just don't want to. I want every last word I put on a page to have flowed out from my own body. Maybe I'm romanticizing it, but I just can't see it any other way.
People like him are going to be driving this mess.
Doesn't it really sound like letting It think for you like in A Wrinkle in Time (nb: a beautiful novel written long before AI, BY ONE PERSON).