Guys, you know any accessible books about the Cold War? Yes, I know it's a massive topic, but that's what I mean when I say accessible: an entry point into this huge subject.
Reposted from
Özge, the drone master 🇹🇷
i have recently seen a few movies set during the cold war
hunt for red october, bridge of spies and no way out !!
i'm fascinated with this part of history
i need to find books on the subject
hunt for red october, bridge of spies and no way out !!
i'm fascinated with this part of history
i need to find books on the subject
The Dead Hand … David Hoffman;
Stasiland … Anna Funder;
Coldest Winter … David Halberstam (it’s about the early days of the Korean War, but has a ton of background about Truman/Stalin/Mao etc