A 40 day boycott of Target has begun. This is the only way big business will listen to us! Join us and boycott Target for 40 days.
Never shopped there cause they like to cheat and steal since their beginning.
Refuse to shop there permanently.
Enjoy the experience, assholes.
Welcome to the party pal.
Also cutting down discretionary spending to $0. These broligarchs only understand $$$ and let's speak on their terms.
Will boycott Target forever.
Target sucked up to Trump.
DEI policies in the dump.
A 40 day boycott has begun.
Send a message: Buy none!
I stopped shopping at Walmart over a decade ago.
It won't hurt me at all to boycott Target. They betrayed us. So, it's just a slightly (by an iota) fancier Walmart.
Shop local!
Add Amazon & Walmart to this because not all of us have a Target nearby but nearly everyone uses Amazon & Walmart.
This is one of the few things they have any reason to listen to.
But also, spending that money elsewhere will create jobs elsewhere.
I find my recycled paper products elsewhere.
Ibid some other too-big-for-their-britches companies.
Whether or not Target deserves a boycott, that'll just herd people towards buying from Amazon, the much bigger culprit than Target.
Switch to Costco and local companies. And spend less. Waaaay less.
We were a Target family and now we don't buy anything there. It's really not that hard.