the fucking moron that usually parks next to me parks in a way that makes it nearly impossible to get into the parking spot and i ended up hitting the support beam on the way in. i can snap the plastic part back on and im gonna do it before i leave work today, but my car is still damaged.
Awwww man, that sucks.
Are you going to have a look at getting the dent beaten out or just going to have to leave it be for now? In an ideal world they should pay for it since the other reason it happened was bc they can’t park.
my dad said he'll deal with it, the car is technically his since he bought it for me so its under his insurance too. i still feel fucking terrible, ive gone over a year without damaging it and now my mom probably won't let me go out anymore.
I hope not, that would be completely unfair to punish you like that bud especially when your track record is 1 year without damage vs now plus it’s not like you hit it on purpose by driving recklessly🫂 The damage doesn’t look to terrible to me and hopefully the panel beaters agree.
Are you going to have a look at getting the dent beaten out or just going to have to leave it be for now? In an ideal world they should pay for it since the other reason it happened was bc they can’t park.