An organized, let's protest one at a time so it takes hours to kick us all out would have been brilliant. Nobody will be watching hours later and the spectacle will show the Country this is not normal. Instead we are getting crickets...
They understand money and there's more of it with gross Ken Martin's "good billionaires" and liberal centrists than honest progressives. I'm sorry for all of us. They turned out to be Corruption Lite.
No, but they showed their cards longgg ago. They want us to vote and volunteer and donate to and for them, and will shame us if we don't, but refuse to step out of their and their major donors' comfort zone. Their big argument is "Other Guy Worse."
No doubt. The Democrats are PATHETIC at publicity and marketing. It's so sad. They need to fire EVERYONE in the strategy department and build from the ground up.
The USA's citizens will have to step up and protest. The Democratic Party is not coming to the rescue. Superman is also not coming. Citizens unite to protect your democracy. It is up to every one of you. There is not much time before the USA is in a full-blown dictatorship.
It motivates the base. It makes people feel like the Democrats aren't weak and sad and they are willing to take action.
A more coordinated no show or walkout might have been more effective.