The FT always reminds me of that bit in Yes Minister where the banker admits to Humphrey that he doesn’t understand a word in the FT but “it’s part of the uniform”
It’s excellent and I understand your thinking… but £45/month for the online is way out of my budget. especially as I only really want to read the Weekend FT.
Living in Nice (no tiny violins pse) I have bought the international version but it’s a vastly cut-down paper and not worth it
Also the physical act of turning big pages is such a joy. Especially when they’re pink and don’t feature the likes of Allister Heath and Allison Pearson (too many ‘l’s’ all round)
I've not forgiven them for snaffling from the Manchester Evening News, at this rate they'll steal everyone. And I'll have to go to the office more often so I can liberate copies from reception more than once a week.
Still struggling to come to terms with the fact it's actually a good newspaper. The best, perhaps. My friends make fun of me because it seems so out of keeping with my politics.
An unexpected side-effect of the long-2018 wave of university staff strikes is that a lot of left-wing academics started reading the FT, because's coverage of our pensions dispute was by far the best, most nuanced and most informed of any of the papers
Managed to get a year’s worth of print for $99 somehow a couple months ago; barring the opinion section it might be the greatest deal of my life so far
Oddly enough I read a job ad from them last night and considered applying. Not a sexy job as I basically do maths for a living but still…. Also thanks for the book recommendation as it sounds amazing.
Not always opposing tbf: Louise O’Connor is one of the few journos to really *get* modern working and its vulnerabilities. Was a devout Guardian reader but I’ve turned to the pink pages!
eek: , not Louise! It’s Friday night and in keeping with Labour manifesto commitments my brain has earned the right to switch off!
The shenanigans with Tortoise Media and the rampant transphobia of Sodha et al being others.
I'll miss though.
Living in Nice (no tiny violins pse) I have bought the international version but it’s a vastly cut-down paper and not worth it