something I may write if no-one does: why is everyone just *obsessed* with restaurants now, for a while I assumed it was just getting older but surely no 35-year old a generation or two ago was this into finding new restaurants, talking about restaurants, reading about restaurants, etc etc
I am quite dull, tbf.
Look up Hardens Guides!
Now I rarely go except when traveling for work.
Its a lot of money for heavily salted food, and a chance to get COVID. So mostly take-out ethnic stuff, with lots of rice and veggies
Alternatively, we could hang ourselves.
Parisians have been into restaurants for a long time, and London too. Never been to New York, but I was a chef in the naughties and New York was hot right then (more recently it's been Scandy)
Plus, Instagram.
Restaurants are one of the few social spaces left.
Pubs are closing, venues for gigs are being killed by NIMBYs, you can’t talk at the cinema or the theatre so what’s left?
Restaurants. Which is why the food often is irrelevant
*I go out to eat with my friends plenty and I still prefer cooking at home.
I appreciate eating out more now.
Talk about “out of touch”…