No. My mother ran my cousin out of the house with a Wiffle Ball at for some insult he muttered around 1971. I missed the insult, but I got to see the result. Mom had anger issues, and unfortunately our house was where the family gathered. Thanksgiving was better, the fights were in the yard.
This season can be difficult for some. Let us continue to have compassion on those that are having a hard time during this season. The Psalms is a great place to go. Grace and peace everyone.
To some extent, Christmas is an illusion adults make for children. For kids, it's magical. But then it's your turn to pull the wagon, not ride in it. I recommend (a) focus on the parts you really like, and (b) if someone you love wants something, do it with them. Sharing experiences is great.
Thanks Fox
It's a horror show man!
Cooking for and having your crazy relatives over is a time honored tradition though. Even if it does make you wanna deck the halls out of someone.
Some say it still does.