Thank you for this article. Would it be possible to explain what is meant by the category which is somewhat confusing referred to as 'refugees' in the text and 'humanitarian' in the chart in the article's screenshot below? And how this differs - or not- from people in small boats? Thank you! 🌻
I have amended the text and the labels on the chart to try to clarify this.
Refugees are people who have had an asylum claim accepted, and then appear in the humanitarian category alongside Hong Kongers etc. Irregular entry is mostly small boats... 1/2
And use that info to inform charts which provide more clarity about refugees ( and the % of resttlement refugees in that) nrs/% of people seeking asylum/protection and the nrs/% arrived by boat in that category.
Precise numbers are a problem, as I said in the story, because it takes so long for numbers to be collected: someone who arrives in a small boat and is classified as irregular, may become a humanitarian 2 years later.
A proportion of the general public have been led to believe through carefully worded articles and speeches that most immigration comes via the small boats!